Take control of your finances and build security, prosperity, and freedom, one step at a time.

Financial Coaching For Canadian Women

Worrying about managing your money is keeping you up at night

I’m pretty sure I understand what it’s like for you. You’re working so hard, doing ALL. THE. RIGHT. THINGS. But when it comes to managing your money, you feel overwhelmed.

It’s not that you’re struggling to make ends meet (although you may be!) it’s just that you know you should be doing more. Much more.

There’s so much LIFE STUFF to juggle, that thinking about investing, saving for retirement, or other financial goals gets lost in the shuffle

You’ve tried to sort it out, but all that financial jargon leaves you with a headache! Why does it have to seem so complicated?

There’s just so MUCH to think about...managing your expenses, insurance, wills, education for the kids, taxes, planning for the future…the list goes on.

The reality is - you’re not even sure who to listen to, who to trust, or where to begin! And that can be soooo frustrating.

Some Client Love…

“I’ve never been good at keeping track of my money being organized about what I have coming in versus what I am spending, but Alice was so easy to talk to and created a very safe space for me to open up about all my questions. Consider yourself lucky if you have the opportunity to work with Alice!”

Rebecca Coutinho

"I finally feel I have control over my money"

The cashflow blueprint is an awesome tool. I can clearly see where the money is going. I never would have known how much I’m spending on the dog and food especially since most of it gets binned! It’s easy to use and to see when things are paid. I finally feel like I have control over my money.

T. Lospinuso

"You instantly feel comfortable and confident about talking to her about your financials"

Alice is incredibly sweet, caring intelligent and knowledgeable. Right from the moment you connect with Alice you instantly feel comfortable and therefore feel confident about talking to her about your financials. Alice began by asking me what a few topics were that I wanted to touch on or understand more. Together we spoke about small business budgeting, personal blueprints, RRSPs, TFSAs, investing, KPIs, taxes, how to save for a down payment, and more.

Marissa Baptista

"I would highly recommend Alice and her services"

I would highly recommend Alice and her services. I have never been comfortable around money… I’ll admit, I literally cried after our first session! Just looking at the numbers was so overwhelming! Thankfully, Alice understood what I was going through and was able to walk me through each step and ease my anxiety along the way.

Britnie Mousseau

Alice Wynter Financial Coach

You’re READY to have a new relationship with your money!

Money and financial planning doesn’t have to be complicated, overwhelming, or even hard! It IS possible to transform your old fears and beliefs about money and use simple tools and systems to feel confident, secure, and in control.


Shift your money mindset and feel empowered to reach your financial goals


Use simple, personalized, easy-to-understand tools that create confidence and get results


Prioritize yourself, your family, your health and your freedom and kick your money worries to the curb!


Feel supported every step of the way to build the life you want and live freely

Let’s figure out your money stuff, together!

Step 1 - Book a FREE Clarity Call

No pressure, no complicated questions - just a “let’s get real” chat about where you’re at with all your money stuff and how I can help you reach your goals

Step 2 - Together, We Build An Action Plan

You get a real-life, one-on-one experienced partner to hold you accountable and help you move from overwhelmed to confident and empowered about your money stuff

Step 3 - Celebrate Your Success!

You make real, long-lasting, positive changes and feel relaxed about your money stuff for what matters now and for your financial future

Nice to meet you, I’m Alice!

Here’s the thing – I COULD tell you I’m a Certified Financial Planner, a Chartered Investment Manager, and a Professional Certified Coach with over 34 years experience in helping women conquer their finances, but nah.

I’m really here to talk to you about FEAR.

Did you ever wonder why so many of us slow down our personal growth and don’t move forward towards living the life of our dreams? It’s because we are often living from a place of FEAR. Sometimes a fear that we hold onto can linger and undermine us in subtle ways – especially when it concerns MONEY.

But what I learned from an early age is that choosing and developing a positive and resilient mindset was the key that helped guide me through my fears, and then by educating myself about money, I was able to build my confidence and reduce my worries by implementing and following systems that worked.

This framework helped keep me on track and moving forward towards my dreams, and it can help YOU, too!

Why the Wolf?

I’ve always loved wolves, for as long as I can remember. The wolf holds an important symbolism for me that relates to how we, as women, need to Work On Living Freely (WOLF).

The wolf roams the wild with a thirst and hunger for freedom, all the while working within a social environment. Just like women, wolves are extremely loyal to their own and are great communicators which they instinctively fold into their day-to-day adventures all the while looking after each other amongst their pack.

The true essence of wolves is that of powerful instinct, courage, strength and loyalty. On this financial journey we can take together – I invite you to embrace your inner wolf. Just like the wolf, you can look after your pack and still achieve the joy, prosperity, and freedom you crave. Let’s work on living freely together!

“Alice is the type of coach you want in your corner! She is down to earth, friendly and does a great job listening.”

Natalie Olson

Free Quiz!

What's YOUR Money Freedom Score?

We all know what a credit score is - but a BETTER place to start is understanding your Money Freedom Score - in other words, how do you stack up when it comes to your relationship with your money stuff?

Do you feel free and confident, or anxious and stressed-out? Take my Money Freedom Quiz, and find out YOUR score, so you can start Working On Living Freely!

Working on living freely

Conquer your fear – money mindset tips and strategies to guide you towards financial peace and prosperity!

The Best Investment You Can Make Is In Yourself!

The Best Investment You Can Make Is In Yourself!

The world of finance is filled with information and advice on where to put your money to get the biggest bang for your buck. You can invest your hard-earned money in stocks, bonds, ETFs, GICs, RRSPs, TFSAs, IPOs, mutual funds, cryptocurrency…the list goes on! You can...

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How To Build An Empowering Financial Habit: A Piggy Bank Story

How To Build An Empowering Financial Habit: A Piggy Bank Story

When I was a little girl of about 8 years old, I used to have a yellow plastic piggy bank. It had a small slit at the top of it where I could drop in my “treasure” but no other opening, so I couldn’t get to the “gold”. I didn’t have a part-time job of any sort when I...

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