The Best Investment You Can Make Is In Yourself!

by | Financial Coaching

Invest in yourself

The world of finance is filled with information and advice on where to put your money to get the biggest bang for your buck. You can invest your hard-earned money in stocks, bonds, ETFs, GICs, RRSPs, TFSAs, IPOs, mutual funds, cryptocurrency…the list goes on! You can invest for the short term, medium term, and long term. You can choose registered accounts, non-registered accounts, interest, dividends, capital gains, stock splits, and reverse stock splits. Then there’s the S&P 500! So what the heck does all this even mean?

For the average person, all these terms can be confusing and daunting. While it’s important to learn and understand what these terms actually mean before handing over your hard-earned dollars, there is no easy answer to figure it ALL out.

But what if I told you that you didn’t have to figure it ALL out?

What if I told you that ALL you had to do was invest in yourself?

Call me cheeky if you want, but this is why I firmly believe and recommend financial coaching.


What is financial coaching?

What is financial coaching

You may be thinking, “But Alice, what exactly IS financial coaching – and how can it help people?”

Well, I’m glad you asked.

The main goal of financial coaching is to help people like you build on their financial knowledge and then guide them over a longer period of time towards creating empowering habits to achieve their financial goals.

Financial coaching often starts with a specific obstacle that a person is struggling with, which is most likely why you would sign up to work with a financial coach like me.


What is the process of working with a financial coach?

financial coaching process

Here’s a more detailed overview of my financial coaching process:

1. I will work with you one-on-one to learn more about your current overall situation and then focus on a specific financial obstacle(s) you are experiencing.

2. From there, we will discuss options you can work towards in elevating the specific obstacle, and I will often lead you to action items to follow up on.

3. Once the initial pressing items are dealt with, my goal is to continue working with you over a longer period in hopes of helping you build on your financial knowledge while also teaching you tools and systems that can help you establish healthy financial habits and milestones.

That’s it in a nutshell! You can only eat an elephant one bite at a time, which is what financial coaching will do for you. One step at a time, we will work together to create a solid financial blueprint that will empower and positively impact all other areas of your life!


Invest in yourself with financial coaching

I strongly encourage you to invest in yourself and consider financial coaching as a terrific way to grow your knowledge, self-esteem, know-how, and skills. Financial coaching will pay you dividends now and for years to come!

If you’re interested in getting started, book a call with me here and we’ll talk. Remember, the first step is always the hardest, but once we start our work together, I can promise you it will feel like the best investment you’ve ever made!

About Alice Wynter

Alice is a Certified Financial Planner® (CFP), a Chartered Investment Manager® (CIM), and a Professional Certified Coach with over 34 years experience in helping women conquer their finances. She helps Canadian women with the support and tools they need to take control of their money and create security, prosperity and freedom.