The Money Habits of Highly Successful Women

by | Financial Coaching

Success in personal finance isn’t just about earning a high income—it’s about cultivating smart money habits that ensure long-term financial health and security. Highly successful women often share certain financial practices that help them confidently navigate their financial lives.

Let’s explore these women’s key money habits and how you can adopt these strategies to enhance your financial journey.

They Prioritize Financial Education

Highly successful women understand the power of knowledge. They invest time educating themselves about personal finance through books, seminars, online courses, or financial advisors. By staying informed about financial principles, investment strategies, and market trends, they are equipped to make sound financial decisions.

How To Adopt This Practice:

    • Commit to reading one finance-related book each month.
    • Subscribe to reputable financial blogs and podcasts.
    • Consider taking a personal finance course to deepen your understanding.

They Set Clear Financial Goals

Successful women know where they want to go financially. They set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Whether saving for a down payment on a house, building an emergency fund, or planning for retirement, they have a clear vision and a detailed plan to achieve their objectives.

How To Adopt This Practice:

    • Define your financial goals in clear terms. For example, “Save $10,000 for an emergency fund in the next 12 months.”
    • Break down your goals into smaller, manageable steps.
    • Regularly review and adjust your goals as needed.

They Practice Mindful Spending

Mindful spending is about making intentional choices with your money. Highly successful women avoid impulse purchases and consider the long-term value of their expenditures. They differentiate between needs and wants, focusing their spending on what truly matters to them.

How To Adopt This Practice:

    • Create a budget that reflects your priorities and stick to it.
    • Implement a 24-hour rule for non-essential purchases: wait a day before buying to ensure it’s something you really want.
    • Regularly review your expenses to identify and eliminate unnecessary spending.

They Invest Wisely

A photo of a woman monitoring her stock investments

Investing is a key component of building wealth, and successful women don’t shy away from it. They understand the importance of growing their money through diversified investments, whether in stocks, bonds, real estate, or other assets. They are patient and take a long-term view, recognizing that investing is a marathon, not a sprint.

How To Adopt This Practice:

    • Educate yourself about different investment options and their risks and rewards.
    • Start investing early, even if it’s a small amount, and regularly contribute to your investment accounts.
    • Diversify your portfolio to spread risk and increase potential returns.

They Build Multiple Income Streams

Relying on a single source of income can be risky. Highly successful women often have multiple income streams, ranging from a full-time job, side businesses, freelance work, or investments. This diversification of income sources provides financial stability and opens up more opportunities for wealth accumulation.

How To Adopt This Practice:

    • Identify skills or passions that you can monetize through a side hustle or freelance work.
    • Explore passive income opportunities such as rental properties, dividend-paying stocks, or online businesses.
    • Regularly assess and adjust your income streams to maximize earnings.

They Save Consistently

Saving money is a non-negotiable habit for successful women. They prioritize saving a portion of their income regularly, regardless of their earnings. They understand that consistent saving can significantly contribute to financial security over time, no matter how small the amount.

How To Adopt This Practice:

    • Automate your savings to ensure a portion of your income goes directly into a savings account.
    • Aim to save at least 20% of your income, adjusting this percentage based on your financial situation.
    • Establish an emergency fund with three to six months’ worth of living expenses.

They Seek Professional Advice

A photo of a woman seeking financial advice from a professional

Successful women recognize that they don’t have all the answers and seek guidance from financial professionals. Whether it’s a financial advisor, accountant, or investment consultant, they leverage expert advice to optimize their financial strategies and decisions.

How To Adopt This Practice:

    • Research and choose a qualified financial advisor who aligns with your financial goals and values.
    • Schedule regular check-ins with your advisor to review your financial plan and make necessary adjustments.
    • Don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek clarification on financial matters you’re unsure about.

They Give Back

Philanthropy is often a significant aspect of the financial lives of highly successful women. They understand the importance of giving back to their communities and supporting the causes they care about. This helps others and provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

How To Adopt This Practice:

    • Identify causes or organizations that resonate with your values and make regular contributions.
    • Consider setting up a donor-advised fund or establishing charitable giving as a line item in your budget.
    • Volunteer your time and skills to support charitable initiatives.

They Network and Collaborate

Networking is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. Successful women build strong networks of like-minded individuals who support and inspire them. They collaborate, share knowledge, and learn from others’ experiences to enhance their financial and career prospects.

How To Adopt This Practice:

    • Attend industry events, seminars, and conferences to meet new people and expand your network.
    • Join professional organizations or online communities related to your field or interests.
    • Seek out mentors and be open to mentoring others.

They Prioritize Health and Well-being

Financial success is closely linked to overall well-being. Highly successful women prioritize their physical and mental health, recognizing that a healthy body and mind are essential for making sound financial decisions and maintaining productivity.

How To Adopt This Practice:

    • Invest in regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient rest.
    • Practice stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, or hobbies.
    • Ensure you have health insurance and save for potential medical expenses.

Key Takeaway

The money habits of highly successful women are not just about earning more but about making thoughtful, informed decisions that align with their values and goals. By prioritizing financial education, setting clear goals, practicing mindful spending, investing wisely, building multiple income streams, saving consistently, seeking professional advice, giving back, networking, and prioritizing health, you can create a strong foundation for financial success.

Remember, it’s never too late to adopt these habits. Start small, stay committed, and watch as your financial confidence and stability grow. The journey to financial success is a marathon, not a sprint, and every step you take brings you closer to achieving your goals.

Want to get started on this journey for yourself? Book a clarity call with me here and we’ll chat!

About Alice Wynter

Alice is a Certified Financial Planner® (CFP), a Chartered Investment Manager® (CIM), and a Professional Certified Coach with over 34 years experience in helping women conquer their finances. She helps Canadian women with the support and tools they need to take control of their money and create security, prosperity and freedom.