The Realness of A Financial Journey

by | Financial Coaching

A photo of increasing coins stacked with photos of a piggy bank, car, diagram, house, card, cross, and an arrow indicating stocks

Money makes the world go round – no doubt about it. However, the way we navigate our financial journey is as individual as our stages of growth and development. Just like personal growth, financial progress has different levels that align with where we are in life.

The challenge arises when we let social comparisons and external pressures cloud our understanding of our true financial situation. Let’s get real for a moment. We’re bombarded with images of instant success, making us think our financial journey should be the same as everyone else. But is it really?

It’s perfectly normal to feel a bit of pressure when we witness friends effortlessly cruising down the financial success highway. The truth is, it’s not a race to see who reaches the finish line first. It’s more of a steady progress (not overnight miracles), and by embracing this reality, we free ourselves from the pressure of unrealistic expectations. After all, it’s not about comparing but appreciating our unique journey at our own pace.

About Myths and Facing Realities

In a world where societal expectations often set the stage for pursuing perfection, the myth of a flawless financial journey has spun a web of unrealistic ideals. Society tends to sketch a picture of financial success as an effortless, hiccup-free journey where individuals seamlessly leap from one milestone to the next.

But the truth is – this portrayal is light years away from reality. The pressure to conform to this myth can be downright overwhelming, leaving many feeling like they’re falling short if their journey doesn’t align with the idealized narrative.

And what happens when we focus more on these “idealized realities”? We end up veering away from the true nature of our finances.

Platforms like Instagram and Facebook showcase reels of people’s lives, emphasizing achievements, luxury purchases, and exotic vacations. While these snapshots create a facade of never-ending prosperity, they often fail to capture the challenges and setbacks inherent in any financial journey. Social comparisons can distort our perceptions, creating a nagging sense of inadequacy and fueling the myth that everyone else has it figured out.

However, it’s crucial to understand that none of these myths are true. Your real financial journey is a colourful mosaic of successes, setbacks, learning curves, and unexpected twists — and embracing this reality is the key to financial empowerment.

When we acknowledge the imperfections and learn from the journey, we build a more resilient and realistic approach to our finances, paving the way for an imperfect yet beautiful journey to success and fulfillment.

If you’re curious about your relationship with money, take my Money Freedom Quiz to uncover your score and start your journey towards financial freedom!

How to Embrace Your Financial Reality

A photo of a woman with a calculator and paper in hand.

No two financial journeys are alike — each comes with its mix of setbacks, societal comparisons, milestones, and victories. The key is to embrace all of it wholeheartedly — both the good and the bad and learn from them as we move forward. Here are a couple of ways to embrace our unique financial realities:

Thrive on Small Wins

Imagine your financial journey as a series of stepping stones. Each small win you achieve is like a solid step forward. Maybe it’s as simple as cooking at home instead of ordering takeout or finding a discount code before making an online purchase. These seemingly minor wins accumulate, creating momentum and propelling you closer to your goals. Thrive on these small wins and know that every win propels you closer to your financial goals.

Choose the Power of Consistency

Consistency is the unsung hero in financial success stories. It’s about making small, deliberate actions a habit. Whether setting aside a portion of your paycheck for savings, regularly reviewing your expenses, or finding ways to cut back on unnecessary costs, these consistent actions compound over time. Think of it as tending to a garden—regular watering and care lead to steady growth.

Embrace the Art of Adapting

Flexibility is key on this journey. Life doesn’t follow a script, and neither does your financial path. Unexpected expenses, changes in income, or shifts in the economy are all part of the deal. But here’s the catch: embracing these changes and adjusting your strategies accordingly is where resilience thrives. It’s like sailing a boat—you adjust the sails to navigate rough waters.

Celebrate Every Win

Life is about more than reaching the destination—it’s the journey that counts. Similarly, in the world of finances, the journey is dotted with moments to celebrate. Maybe it’s hitting a savings milestone, paying off a credit card, or simply sticking to your monthly budget. Acknowledging these milestones not only feels good but also reinforces positive financial habits.

Practice Mindfulness in Finance

A woman in front of her laptop closing her eyes thinking about her finances

Getting lost in the numbers is easy, but financial success isn’t just about dollars and cents. It’s about the choices we make, the values we prioritize, and the lifestyle we aim for. Being mindful of our spending habits, aligning our expenses with our goals, and understanding the why behind our financial decisions bring clarity and purpose to our journey.

Seek Support and Learning

Nobody’s an island, especially when it comes to mastering finances. Seeking guidance, learning from others’ experiences, and surrounding yourself with a supportive network can make a world of difference. Whether it’s joining online communities, reading personal finance books, or seeking advice from financial advisors, embracing a learning mindset fuels growth.

Practice Gratitude and Contentment

In our quest for financial improvement, it’s essential to appreciate where we are. Practicing gratitude for what we have, rather than fixating on what we lack, fosters contentment. It’s not about settling but about finding joy and satisfaction in the present while aiming for a brighter financial future.

Create Your Financial Blueprint

Each person’s financial preference and meaning of success are different. It’s all about finding what works for you and understanding your goals, values, and circumstances. Whether you prefer spreadsheets, apps, or old-fashioned pen and paper, crafting a personalized financial plan tailored to your life is empowering.

So, as you embark on this journey, remember, it’s not just about the destination—it’s about the lessons learned, the habits formed, and the progress made along the way. Every small win is a testament to your resilience, determination, and commitment to financial well-being.

Final Thoughts

A woman raising both her hands in a field with mountains at the background signifying journey and personal growth

When the day winds down, it’s crucial to keep in mind that our journey and personal growth are the real stars, no matter how many success stories surround us. Our path might not be a carbon copy of someone else’s, but that’s the beauty of it—it’s uniquely ours. Success will find us in due time. The key is to savour every moment of our financial journey, soak up the lessons, and share those insights as we forge ahead. It’s all about enjoying the ride and passing on the wisdom we gain along the way.

In a world that glorifies instant success, the power of small wins often goes unnoticed. But it’s these seemingly insignificant victories that lay the foundation for lasting financial success. So, embrace the journey, celebrate every milestone, and remember every step forward, no matter how small, counts toward a brighter financial future. And if you ever need a coach to guide you on your journey, feel free to get in touch with me anytime. Cheers to your financial journey filled with growth, learning, and a multitude of small wins and great victories!

About Alice Wynter

Alice is a Certified Financial Planner® (CFP), a Chartered Investment Manager® (CIM), and a Professional Certified Coach with over 34 years experience in helping women conquer their finances. She helps Canadian women with the support and tools they need to take control of their money and create security, prosperity and freedom.