Women and Financial Coaching: A Perfect Fit

by | Financial Coaching, Money Mindset

Financial coaching a perfect fit

It’s important at the start of every new client meeting that we speak frankly about the emotions that surface when it comes to the subject of money.

Getting to the heart of how each of us feels about money can play a significant role in building a solid financial foundation for each client. The feelings that come up can be as unique as the individual, so it is essential to discuss them.

After several decades in the financial world, I can guarantee that each of us has an emotionally charged story when it comes to our personal finances.

The Feels

For so many women, money is something that they often push to the side, hoping that everything will work out. Ignoring it, though, can come at a price and have a significant impact on the quality of our lives as we age.

For many of us, we don’t realize until much later that a lack of knowledge coupled with a lack of planning can throw us into a state of panic and end up taking up a significant portion of our mental conversations with ourselves. A lot of this may be because, until very recently in our cultural lives, a woman’s financial survival lay heavily on the dependence of men. And while this has changed rapidly over the last several decades, there is still a gap that needs to be filled when it comes to women feeling comfortable with managing their finances on their own.

Every woman needs to hear, loud and clear, that it’s never too late to start that planning. Never.


Financial Coaching is A Perfect Fit

The financial industry, as it currently stands, is fast-paced and very “masculine” in nature. During my career in finance I began to realize that there was a real need for a tailored and unique financial planning system that spoke directly to women. And so, I launched my business to offer a financial coaching program specifically for women.

Why do I feel a need to provide my service to only women with financial coaching?

I noticed throughout my career that women need someone in their corner to take the time necessary to deep dive into their relationship with money. Women relate to one another in a very unique way and tend to just “get” each other. For the most part, we like to talk openly with each other and explore our feelings and what those feelings mean to us. We like to be heard and to feel as if we are being listened to despite any vulnerabilities that we have, without being made to feel less than or stupid.

Women, most importantly, need to feel as if they are truly working with a professional that they can relate to and trust. The expertise, insight, and perspective I’ve gained from my decades in the financial industry can help lead you in the right direction concerning your financial goals.


My Process Working With Women Clients

I understand and respect that a female perspective can be both disarming and reassuring for my clients, especially as I guide them towards breaking through boundaries that they may have previously been too afraid to cross. I want my clients to feel like I will always allow them the freedom to make their own decisions, and I will work hard with each of them to ensure that they are set up for complete success.   

My 90-day program offers a step by step one on one system where all these needs will be met.  By the end of our time together, we will have gotten to know each other and I’ll be able to turn your financial goals into a well-informed action plan that will lead you towards solid financial footing. 

Don’t put it off any longer! Get started right here and let’s start this journey together, or book a clarity call with me to see if we are the right fit to work together.

Isn’t it time you got started?

About Alice Wynter

Alice is a Certified Financial Planner® (CFP), a Chartered Investment Manager® (CIM), and a Professional Certified Coach with over 34 years experience in helping women conquer their finances. She helps Canadian women with the support and tools they need to take control of their money and create security, prosperity and freedom.